Configuration -
Awesome Go
Libraries for configuration parsing.
- aconfig - Simple, useful and opinionated config loader.
- bcl - BCL is a configuration language similar to HCL.
- cleanenv - Minimalistic configuration reader (from files, ENV, and wherever you want).
- config - Cloud native application configuration. Bind ENV to structs in only two lines.
- config - configure your app using file, environment variables, or flags in two lines of code
- configuration - Library for initializing configuration structs from env variables, files, flags and 'default' tag.
- configure - Provides configuration through multiple sources, including JSON, flags and environment variables.
- configuro - opinionated configuration loading & validation framework from ENV and Files focused towards 12-Factor compliant applications.
- confiq - Structured data format to config struct decoder library for Go - supporting multiple data formats
- confita - Load configuration in cascade from multiple backends into a struct.
- conflate - Library/tool to merge multiple JSON/YAML/TOML files from arbitrary URLs, validation against a JSON schema, and application of default values defined in the schema.
- env - Parse environment variables to Go structs (with defaults).
- env - A lightweight package for loading environment variables into structs.
- env - An environment utility package with support for unmarshaling into structs
- envconfig - Read your configuration from environment variables.
- envh - Helpers to manage environment variables.
- envyaml - Yaml with environment variables reader. it helps to have secrets as environment variable but load them configs as structured Yaml.
- fig - Tiny library for reading configuration from a file and from environment variables (with validation & defaults).
- genv - Read environment variables easily with dotenv support.
- go-array - A Go package that read or set data from map, slice or json.
- go-aws-ssm - Go package that fetches parameters from AWS System Manager - Parameter Store.
- go-cfg - The library provides a unified way to read configuration data into a structure from various sources, such as env, flags, and configuration files (.json, .yaml, .toml, .env).
- go-conf - Simple library for application configuration based on annotated structs. It supports reading the configuration from environment variables, config files and command line parameters.
- go-ini - A Go package that marshals and unmarshals INI-files.
- go-ssm-config - Go utility for loading configuration parameters from AWS SSM (Parameter Store).
- go-up - A simple configuration library with recursive placeholders resolution and no magic.
- GoCfg - Config manager with Struct Tags based contracts, custom value providers, parsers, and documentation generation. Customizable yet simple.
- godotenv - Go port of Ruby's dotenv library (Loads environment variables from .env).
- gofigure - Go application configuration made easy.
- GoLobby/Config - GoLobby Config is a lightweight yet powerful configuration manager for the Go programming language.
- gone/jconf - Modular JSON configuration. Keep your config structs along with the code they configure and delegate parsing to submodules without sacrificing full config serialization.
- gonfig - Tag-based configuration parser which loads values from different providers into typesafe struct.
- gookit/config - application config manage(load,get,set). support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL. multi file load, data override merge.
- harvester - Harvester, a easy to use static and dynamic configuration package supporting seeding, env vars and Consul integration.
- hedzr/store - Extensible, high-performance configuration management library, optimized for hierarchical data.
- hjson - Human JSON, a configuration file format for humans. Relaxed syntax, fewer mistakes, more comments.
- hocon - Configuration library for working with the HOCON(a human-friendly JSON superset) format, supports features like environment variables, referencing other values, comments and multiple files.
- ingo - Flags persisted in an ini-like config file.
- ini - Go package to read and write INI files.
- ini - INI Parser & Write Library, Unmarshal to Struct, Marshal to Json, Write File, watch file.
- joshbetz/config - Small configuration library for Go that parses environment variables, JSON files, and reloads automatically on SIGHUP.
- kelseyhightower/envconfig - Go library for managing configuration data from environment variables.
- koanf - Light weight, extensible library for reading config in Go applications. Built in support for JSON, TOML, YAML, env, command line.
- konf - The simplest API for reading/watching config from file, env, flag and clouds (e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP).
- konfig - Composable, observable and performant config handling for Go for the distributed processing era.
- kong - Command-line parser with support for arbitrarily complex command-line structures and additional sources of configuration such as YAML, JSON, TOML, etc (successor to kingpin).
- mini - Golang package for parsing ini-style configuration files.
- nasermirzaei89/env - Simple useful package for read environment variables.
- nfigure - Per-library struct-tag based configuration from command lines (Posix & Go-style); environment, JSON, YAML
- onion - Layer based configuration for Go, Supports JSON, TOML, YAML, properties, etcd, env, and encryption using PGP.
- piper - Viper wrapper with config inheritance and key generation.
- sonic - A blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library.
- store - Lightweight configuration manager for Go.
- swap - Instantiate/configure structs recursively, based on build environment. (YAML, TOML, JSON and env).
- typenv - Minimalistic, zero dependency, typed environment variables library.
- uConfig - Lightweight, zero-dependency, and extendable configuration management.
- viper - Go configuration with fangs.
- xdg - Go implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification and XDG user directories.
- xdg - Cross platform package that follows the XDG Standard.
- yamagiconf - The "safe subset" of YAML for Go configs.