Awesome Go
Libraries for working with JSON.
- ajson - Abstract JSON for golang with JSONPath support.
- ask - Easy access to nested values in maps and slices. Works in combination with encoding/json and other packages that "Unmarshal" arbitrary data into Go data-types.
- dynjson - Client-customizable JSON formats for dynamic APIs.
- ej - Write and read JSON from different sources succinctly.
- epoch - Contains primitives for marshaling/unmarshalling Unix timestamp/epoch to/from build-in time.Time type in JSON.
- fastjson - Fast JSON parser and validator for Go. No custom structs, no code generation, no reflection.
- gabs - For parsing, creating and editing unknown or dynamic JSON in Go.
- gjo - Small utility to create JSON objects.
- GJSON - Get a JSON value with one line of code.
- go-jsonerror - Go-JsonError is meant to allow us to easily create json response errors that follow the JsonApi spec.
- go-respond - Go package for handling common HTTP JSON responses.
- gojmapr - Get simple struct from complex json by json path.
- gojq - JSON query in Golang.
- gojson - Automatically generate Go (golang) struct definitions from example JSON.
- htmljson - Rich rendering of JSON as HTML in Go.
- JayDiff - JSON diff utility written in Go.
- jettison - Fast and flexible JSON encoder for Go.
- jscan - High performance zero-allocation JSON iterator.
- JSON-to-Go - Convert JSON to Go struct.
- JSON-to-Proto - Convert JSON to Protobuf online.
- json2go - Advanced JSON to Go struct conversion. Provides package that can parse multiple JSON documents and create struct to fit them all.
- jsonapi-errors - Go bindings based on the JSON API errors reference.
- jsoncolor - Drop-in replacement for encoding/json that outputs colorized JSON.
- jsondiff - JSON diff library for Go based on RFC6902 (JSON Patch).
- jsonf - Console tool for highlighted formatting and struct query fetching JSON.
- jsongo - Fluent API to make it easier to create Json objects.
- jsonhal - Simple Go package to make custom structs marshal into HAL compatible JSON responses.
- jsonhandlers - JSON library to expose simple handlers that lets you easily read and write json from various sources.
- jsonic - Utilities to handle and query JSON without defining structs in a type safe manner.
- jsonvalue - A fast and convenient library for unstructured JSON data, replacing encoding/json.
- jzon - JSON library with standard compatible API/behavior.
- kazaam - API for arbitrary transformation of JSON documents.
- mapslice-json - Go MapSlice for ordered marshal/ unmarshal of maps in JSON.
- marshmallow - Performant JSON unmarshalling for flexible use cases.
- mp - Simple cli email parser. It currently takes stdin and outputs JSON.
- OjG - Optimized JSON for Go is a high performance parser with a variety of additional JSON tools including JSONPath.
- omg.jsonparser - Simple JSON parser with validation by condition via golang struct fields tags.
- ujson - Fast and minimal JSON parser and transformer that works on unstructured JSON.
- vjson - Go package for validating JSON objects with declaring a JSON schema with fluent API.