Machine Learning -
Awesome Go
Libraries for Machine Learning.
- bayesian - Naive Bayesian Classification for Golang.
- catboost-cgo - Fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees library. Golang using Cgo for blazing fast inference CatBoost Model.
- CloudForest - Fast, flexible, multi-threaded ensembles of decision trees for machine learning in pure Go.
- ddt - Dynamic decision tree, create trees defining customizable rules.
- eaopt - An evolutionary optimization library.
- evoli - Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization library.
- fonet - A Deep Neural Network library written in Go.
- go-cluster - Go implementation of the k-modes and k-prototypes clustering algorithms.
- go-deep - A feature-rich neural network library in Go.
- go-fann - Go bindings for Fast Artificial Neural Networks(FANN) library.
- go-featureprocessing - Fast and convenient feature processing for low latency machine learning in Go.
- go-galib - Genetic Algorithms library written in Go / golang.
- go-pr - Pattern recognition package in Go lang.
- gobrain - Neural Networks written in go.
- godist - Various probability distributions, and associated methods.
- goga - Genetic algorithm library for Go.
- GoLearn - General Machine Learning library for Go.
- golinear - liblinear bindings for Go.
- GoMind - A simplistic Neural Network Library in Go.
- goml - On-line Machine Learning in Go.
- GoMLX - An accelerated Machine Learning framework for Go.
- gonet - Neural Network for Go.
- Goptuna - Bayesian optimization framework for black-box functions written in Go. Everything will be optimized.
- goRecommend - Recommendation Algorithms library written in Go.
- gorgonia - graph-based computational library like Theano for Go that provides primitives for building various machine learning and neural network algorithms.
- gorse - An offline recommender system backend based on collaborative filtering written in Go.
- goscore - Go Scoring API for PMML.
- gosseract - Go package for OCR (Optical Character Recognition), by using Tesseract C++ library.
- hugot - Huggingface transformer pipelines for golang with onnxruntime.
- libsvm - libsvm golang version derived work based on LIBSVM 3.14.
- m2cgen - A CLI tool to transpile trained classic ML models into a native Go code with zero dependencies, written in Python with Go language support.
- neural-go - Multilayer perceptron network implemented in Go, with training via backpropagation.
- ocrserver - A simple OCR API server, seriously easy to be deployed by Docker and Heroku.
- onnx-go - Go Interface to Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX).
- probab - Probability distribution functions. Bayesian inference. Written in pure Go.
- randomforest - Easy to use Random Forest library for Go.
- regommend - Recommendation & collaborative filtering engine.
- shield - Bayesian text classifier with flexible tokenizers and storage backends for Go.
- tfgo - Easy to use Tensorflow bindings: simplifies the usage of the official Tensorflow Go bindings. Define computational graphs in Go, load and execute models trained in Python.
- Varis - Golang Neural Network.