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algernon - HTTP/2 web server with built-in support for Lua, Markdown, GCSS and Amber.
Caddy - Caddy is an alternative, HTTP/2 web server that's easy to configure and use.
consul - Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration.
cortex-tenant - Prometheus remote write proxy that adds add Cortex tenant ID header based on metric labels.
devd - Local webserver for developers.
discovery - A registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.
dudeldu - A simple SHOUTcast server.
dummy - Run mock server based off an API contract with one command.
Easegress - A cloud native high availability/performance traffic orchestration system with observability and extensibility.
etcd - Highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery.
Euterpe - Self-hosted music streaming server with built-in web UI and REST API.
Fider - Fider is an open platform to collect and organize customer feedback.
Flagr - Flagr is an open-source feature flagging and A/B testing service.
flipt - A self contained feature flag solution written in Go and Vue.js
go-feature-flag - A simple, complete and lightweight self-hosted feature flag solution 100% Open Source.
go-proxy-cache - Simple Reverse Proxy with Caching, written in Go, using Redis.
gondola - A YAML based golang reverse proxy.
jackal - An XMPP server written in Go.
lets-proxy2 - Reverse proxy for handle https with issue certificates in fly from lets-encrypt.
minio - Minio is a distributed object storage server.
Moxy - Moxy is a simple mocker and proxy application server, you can create mock endpoints as well as proxy requests in case no mock exists for the endpoint.
nginx-prometheus - Nginx log parser and exporter to Prometheus.
nsq - A realtime distributed messaging platform.
pocketbase - PocketBase is a realtime backend in 1 file consisting of embedded database (SQLite) with realtime subscriptions, built-in auth management and much more.
protoxy - A proxy server that converts JSON request bodies to Protocol Buffers.
psql-streamer - Stream database events from PostgreSQL to Kafka.
riemann-relay - Relay to load-balance Riemann events and/or convert them to Carbon.
RoadRunner - High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager.
SFTPGo - Fully featured and highly configurable SFTP server with optional FTP/S and WebDAV support. It can serve local filesystem and Cloud Storage backends such as S3 and Google Cloud Storage.
simple-jwt-provider - Simple and lightweight provider which exhibits JWTs, supports login, password-reset (via mail) and user management.
Trickster - HTTP reverse proxy cache and time series accelerator.
Wish - Make SSH apps, just like that!