Awesome Go
Libraries for working with UUIDs.
- fastuuid - Fast generate UUIDv4 as string or bytes.
- goid - Generate and Parse RFC4122 compliant V4 UUIDs.
- gouid - Generate cryptographically secure random string IDs with just one allocation.
- nanoid - A tiny and efficient Go unique string ID generator.
- sno - Compact, sortable and fast unique IDs with embedded metadata.
- ulid - Go implementation of ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier).
- uniq - No hassle safe, fast unique identifiers with commands.
- uuid - Generate, encode, and decode UUIDs v1 with fast or cryptographic-quality random node identifier.
- uuid - Implementation of Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). Supports both creation and parsing of UUIDs. Actively maintained fork of satori uuid.
- uuid - Go package for UUIDs based on RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1: Authentication and Security Services.
- uuidcheck - A tiny, dependency-free Go library that validates UUIDs against standard RFC 4122 formatting, converts UUIDv7() into UTC timestamps.
- wuid - An extremely fast globally unique number generator.
- xid - Xid is a globally unique id generator library, ready to be safely used directly in your server code.